The interest in my shark has been amazing. I’ll still incredibly overwhelmed by how many people have been making my shark. It makes me very proud to have come up with an idea and write out a pattern.
If you remember, the shark came about because my son wanted a mermaid tail….type thing, and so my shark concept was born.
Well – I don’t know if you’ve read this amazing book.
It’s by my favourites children’s author – He is just amazing, well to quote Mr Jeffers and more importantly Rupert.
“The thing about the Hueys is that they are all the same. They all look the same, think the same and do the same things. Until one day, Rupert knits himself a new jumper?”
So in this case. The jumper is the shark blanket, which I love and think is still amazing (if I do say so myself). In the end of the story all the Hueys end up with jumpers….. so Rupert who still wants to be different – decides to wear a hat……..
So, in our case of having a hat like the Hueys – the Alligator or Friendly Crocodile has been born!
The pattern has been in my head for a long time, but I thought I’d better get it written down and made, as maybe some girls and boys wouldn’t want a shark if they were offered an Alligator!
I’ve thought long and hard about how to release this pattern, and I have put an extraordinary amount of work into both the Mermaid and the Shark which I’ve given you for free.
The Alligator has been even more work, studying loads of pictures of alligators bodies to get the shape right. The feet were particularly troublesome, but I got there on attempt number 4! How the teeth are made, to how to make the eyes not quite so scary (my little boy is only 7 after all).
So for this pattern, It’s available on Ravelry here as a concise PDF . You get charts of the tail and the jaws, and all instructions to make Ali the Alligator or Cecil the Crocodile. My son and I hope you like him as much as we do!