Hello. It feels like ages since I’ve been here.
Half written blog posts here there and everywhere – but nothing actually typed properly and the magic “publish” button pushed.
It might be to do with Lockdown, it might be to do with huge number of back log projects I’ve got on the go, or might be that I seem to have spent the last month knee deep in spreadsheets doing grading maths for some garment releases I’ve got coming up.
(eekkk – I might finally publish them- see that stack waiting to be typed and published))
It might also be to with how I write these posts.
In the last few posts I’ve gone quite specific, almost boring I think. Too factual about the design, why I made where you can get the yarn, with not much info as to why I came up with the idea in the first place (Usually a child saying “Mummy, can you make me…..????”
It’s not my style I don’t think – which is might I might be struggling getting pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard).
>>>For a Crochet Fairy Wing pattern – click here
So a little bit of background to this great idea.
Last year, when the world was normal…… The pink one had an actual cub scout meeting! (Not a zoom or Whatsapp call)
Cubs was fancy dress for Halloween……. but I didn’t read the timetable until the morning of the meeting – and to say a mild panic ensued by the pink one is a bit of an understatement.
So what do you do when you need to fashion a fancy dress costume in a matter of hours………
Google/ Pinterest is actually what any normal person will do and that is exactly what I did!
Lots of lovely pictures for inspiration.
What did I have that might actually be able to pull this off?
Well Poppies (and face paints)
Lots and lots of poppies!
I make them every year, sell them giving all the proceeds to The Royal British Legion.
I’ve run free workshops for people to come and make poppies too- sewing and crochet.
I’ve gone off point – apart from the fact that 2 weeks before Armistice day, I had a lot of poppies in my house.
I also have a headband, and I have some white and black face paints (I might not had artistic skills however).
So very simply
How to make a day of the dead headband
Head over to this post to get the free poppy patterns.
Make about 8 poppies, fixing the little safety pins to the back.
(If you want a flower even quicker than a poppy – these roses would be brilliant)
Take a cloth covered headband – I used one of these I had left over from Amazon.
Pin as many poppies as you have to the headband – concentrating them at the top.
And face paint using white and back – top tip – do all the white first and let dry before adding the back so it doesn’t turn grey.
Quick and easy win win for dress up for Halloween!
Even better – you can sell the poppies afterwards making vital funds for the poppy appeal.
If you want to save for the later – please Pin in using the photo below ??